
26NKG abstract book (in printable PDF file): Download Here

Best Poster Award

Best poster award: the scientific committee of the 26NKG conference will nominate a poster for the best poster award. This will be granted by the Journal of Ageing and Longevity and will be announced at the closing ceremony of the congress. The poster sessions will take place in the foyer areas of the congress venue Odeon, ensuring maximum exposure of your poster.

Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations is a session format of 60 minutes, which allocates appr. 10 - 12 minutes per presentation allowing minimum 3 minutes for questions.

Presenters may address any congress theme. Oral Presentations will be organized within a given track or topic and be placed in temporal connection with related presentations.

Oral Presentations are chaired by one or two of the presenters.

Poster Presentations

A Poster Presentation is a session format which allows presenters to present a graphic documentation of any geriatric or gerontological topic related to the congress themes. The poster will be available in a conference room, accessible to circulating attendees in restricted time slots.

You will have the option to include eg detailed contact information, additional material, link to a short video presentation, by including a qr-code on your poster.

Design tips for your poster and poster presentation:

  • The display area of the poster boards is 94cm (width) * 135cm (height).
  • Arrange your poster content as simple and clear as possible for an easier read.
  • Use large size of type for the title, and smaller for author names and affiliations.
  • No need to reproduce your abstract in the poster.
  • Consider using simple and eye-catching illustrations and leave out unnecessary details. If possible, covert tables to graphic displays.
  • Make conclusions brief and clear.
  • Remember to add your contact details.
  • Consider preparing a 2-minute pitch about your project, so you can quickly present the essentials to interested congress participants.

    In addition to the traditional physical poster format, we strongly recommend including a QR code on your poster with a link to further details (e.g. the pitch of your poster, video material on vimeo/youtube or the like with a few power point slides with speak or a small recorded presentation in Zoom/Teams, a blog post, the project website etc.). This will allow a maximum outreach for your work.

    Find a free QR code generator online (e.g. the generator built into Google Chrome). Paste the URL of the website, where you present further details of your study, into the QR code generator. Download the QR code as an image file, and place the QR image on your poster. Remember to test the QR image. Posters may be organized within a given theme and be placed in temporal connection with related presentations.

    Poster dimension: The poster board display area is 94 cm (width) and 135 cm (height). The poster should not excess the poster display area. All the poster boards will be numbered after the poster submission number. Presenters will be notificed with the poster number.

  • Submissions

    All submissions are closed